Privacy Policy

Gamelan Naga Mas Data Protection Policy

Gamelan Naga Mas hold and process personal data on individuals under two categories: members of the association, and individuals who choose to subscribe to our mailing list.


Personal data held on members is limited to full names and email addresses. These are stored on an encrypted and password protected cloud platform, only accessible to committee members. This data is held solely for the purposes of communicating within the group, and is not passed on to third parties. The membership list is updated annually at the time of the annual general meeting, and names and emails of individuals who are no longer members deleted at that time. A member may request that their personal data be deleted at any time by emailing

In the case of members who choose to pay subscriptions by standing order to our bank account, the Treasurer will also by implication have access to sort codes and account numbers. These are not stored or processed directly by us, being held only on the secure platform provided by our bank.

Mailing list

Personal data is held on individuals who have explicitly chosen to sign up to our mailing list. This is by default limited to the email address itself, but where the individual has also given a name this will also be recorded. This data is stored on an encrypted and password protected cloud platform, only accessible to committee members. The data held solely for the purposes of communicating the activities of the group to interested individuals, and is never passed on to third parties. All emails sent from the mailing list offer an ‘unsubscribe’ option, that will have the effect of deleting the data of the individual concerned.

Any individual on the mailing list may also request at any time that their personal data be deleted by emailing